book 'Maypole & Traditional Dance Workshops' with Classroom Adventures
In our Maypole and Traditional Dance Workshops children get introduced to the vibrant world of British Folk traditions.
Many of us remember country dancing and/or the maypole at school, however, changes in curriculum mean that many children have never even heard of maypole dancing. Hosting maypole and country dancing as an experience day becomes a very exciting opportunity for the children.
Our maypole dancing workshops are especially popular with both pupils and teachers because of the challenge, the co-operation and camaraderie and the success when a dance is completed (okay the pretty ribbons might have something to do with it as well)! Maypole dancing has the unusual benefit of having a visual spectacle when the dancers stop moving (the children can marvel at the pretty patterns). It can also help with spatial awareness and many other soft skills. Our maypole workshops are so popular, you might have even seen our choreography on Call the Midwife (we choreographed the maypole scenes).
We also offer workshops in Morris Dancing, Country Dancing as well as Historical Dancing or a combination of all.
Dance workshops should be a minimum of 45 minutes per class, if multiple classes are participating in a rota. The more time available per class means more dances for the children and we can then take the time to teach them more complicated dances.
What activities are available during this educational workshop?
The programme that we employ is very dependent on the number of participants, the time available and the desired focus.
We have been booked to introduce an entire school (2 form entry) from reception to year 6 to maypole dancing over a day period. We have been booked for a whole year group to focus on maypole because mayday was approaching. We have been booked to take extra time in one school so that the children could really learn the dances as they were going to perform them in the Queen's jubilee celebrations. One school wanted to focus on Morris dancing, and for many others we have delivered a mixed repertoire.
In short, whether you want maypole dancing, country dancing, Morris dancing, historical dancing or a combination, then we are more than happy to work with you.
Which Curriculum Subjects do you cater for?
Dance is a wonderful way of expressing yourself and a lot of dance workshops are focused on that individual experience.
The wonderful thing about Maypole and Country dancing is that is offers a collective experience. And in our experience, experience shared is a more joyful one!
The sense of accomplishment that children get when successfully completing a maypole dance and seeing the pattern that they, as a group, have created, or the thrill of the rush of trying to get back into place with your partner in a speedy country dance are just some of the benefits that children can enjoy.
But most importantly British traditional dance is just meant to be fun. Coming together to achieve a beautiful artform is enriching to the soul apart from anything else!
Cultural Education
The British Isles have a rich cultural heritage, and traditional dance is an amazing way to access it. The origins of many British traditions are steeped in mystery, and that is part of their charm. The wonderful thing about British traditional dance is that it is an open door. You can be inspired to dig deeper or just enjoy the dance for its own merits, the choice is yours.
Exactly what pupils are exposed to will largely depend on your focus. If focusing on the maypole then pupils will learn about some of the myths of its past. Morris dancing has its own tales to tell and you might even meet a beast!
Performing Arts
British traditional dance is an excellent way of introducing children to performing arts!
Something that we have always appreciated about dance is that you don't need a tremendous amount of skill to have great fun doing it, which means that it really is open to everyone!
Traditional dance is also low pressure so children are so focused on enjoying themselves that the personal development in co-ordination, memory, working as part of a team and general physical ability happens naturally by itself!
Team Building
There are many ways of teaching children how to work as a team and we think that British traditional dancing, such as maypole, is an excellent option.
Firstly it is low pressure so that the children can simply enjoy the experience. They also get out what they put in, so if a group has a strong desire for excellence then this is possible too.
The sense of accomplishment when successfully completing a dance, especially like the maypole plait is a wonderful group experience.
What size groups do you cater for?
We cater to any size group.
We have delivered an intense programme to 14 classes (420 children) over two days.
On the other side of the spectrum, we have delivered a whole day of maypole and country dancing a single home education group.
Our dance workshops are for a maximum of 1 class (30 children) at a time as this gives the best outcome for the pupils learning experience. Multiple classes (for example a whole year group) would need to rotate.
We work out a suitable timetable with you during the booking process.
Do you offer access for visitors with disabilities?
We have had people in wheelchairs whizzing around the maypole, so if someone wants to take part, we will make sure that happens.
Our only requirement is that if any participant requires physical assistance, then you/your organisation makes sure of appropriate staffing levels to ensure the individual has the opportunity to participate.
Do you cater for visitors with Special Educational Needs (SEN)?
We have delivered workshops to specific SEN institutions, and we aim for all to be able to participate in our dance workshops.
Our only requirement is that participants are able to follow instructions and be safe or have a 1:1 with them to enable them to participate.
Anything else?
In order to deliver our excillerating Maypole and Traditional Dance Workshops, we simply require the following:
- secure onsite parking (either in a car park or on a playground)
- a clear hall
- sufficient staffing to be with the children for the duration of the workshop
Who are Classroom Adventures?
Classroom Adventures has been providing educational experiences and events since 2016. Its members have varied backgrounds and interests including: organ building, biomedical science, furniture making, vaccine development, historical re-enactment, Morris dancing and more...
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