Learning Objective
British Science Week runs for ten days in March and is designed to help promote STEM subjects like Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering and Coding. If you are looking for an experience for your class visit our British Science Week page, or take a look below, or ask us to help using the purple form.
Study Physics, Chemisty or Biology outside the classroom
Science can definitely be one of the more difficult school subjects in which to inspire and engage pupils. It certainly was at my school, where an unfortunate trio of drab individuals failed spectacularly to deliver what was actually a thoroughly fascinating subject. Often, scientific ideas are quite complicated to fully understand, especially for children at primary level, so practical work is essential. In addition, a recent report issued by the Association for Science Education (ASE) concluded that outdoor learning was necessary when teaching science. Giving pupils the ability to directly link first hand experience with classroom ideas will enable pupils at any key stage to get the most from the subject.
Fortunately there are a wide range of excellent venues that will help your pupils develop a love of science, from the traditional, such as wildlife centres promoting biodiversity, and transport museums who chart the historical development of scientific achievement, to the more modern dedicated science centres who offer high tech, interactive classroom style learning. Whether your science topic is Life processes and living things, investigation, materials and properties, physical properties, Earth and space or famous inventors. We can help with inspiration.
We have divided our school visit recommendations below between the main topics at KS1 and KS2. Or visit the following pages to search for topics at KS3 and above.
Chemistry Physics Biology

Cambridge Science Centre

Explore hands-on, engaging science learning at Cambridge Science Centre, designed to inspire curiosity and deepen understanding in young minds. Tailored school programs cover diverse STEM topics, offering immersive experiences for all ages.
Cambridge Science Centre
Primary Science
When looking for your KS1 and KS2 science school trips, there are a few things to consider: how will the trip fit into our curriculum for the year, and will it give the school children an enriching learning experience? Plan My School Trip works with a number of science venues, science museums and science workshops that offer the type of learning outcome you are looking to achieve.
When working with KS1 you are looking for them to gain an understanding of the natural science and physical science that is all around them. This can be achieved in various ways and at various venues around the UK. Working scientifically can be learnt through various science workshops and most science museums and technology centres can offer the right worksheets and tools to help you achieve this.
To get an idea of some of the venues that can cater for your next school visit or workshop, please choose from the topics below.
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From identifying their basic structure to nutrients, pollination and how they transport water.

Animals, including humans
Workshops from Year 1 to Year 6 covering basic needs of animals, how we grow, skeletons, muscles, nutrition, food chains.

Everyday Materials
Work scientifically to look at the physical properties of materials, such as transparency, hardness and conductivity.

Seasonal Changes
What causes the seasonal changes, weather patterns and the varying length of the day throughout the year.

Rocks, Fossils & Soils
Search workshops and trips focusing on rocks, their properties, and how different types of rocks and soils are formed.

Living things and their habitats
Identify habitats for plants and animals, environmental pressures on environments. Life cycles and classification systems.

Forces and Magnets
How magnets behave, attracting and repelling, magnetic forces, and magnetic poles.

States of Matter
How materials can exist as solids, liquids and gasses. Evaporation, condensation, and temperature changes.

Find out how sound vibrations are made, and the effects of pitch and volume on sounds.

An introduction to electrical circuits, including cells, wires, bulbs and switches, plus conductors and insulators.

Earth & Space
Learn more about the Earth's place in our solar system, the other and our sun. What is the Moon and how does the Earth's rotation cause night and day.

Evolution and Inheritance
How living things like plants and animals have changed over time, adapting to their environment.

How light travels in a straight line, how it is reflected, and how our eyes are adapted to make use of light.
Secondary Science
KS3 and KS4 science trips are great fun and have many enriching activities for students to take part in. The science venues we work with create interactive learning experiences coupled with curriculum based workshops. Most students are learning about Biology, Chemistry and Physics and the day trip venues we work with cover off all of these subject areas.

Search Chemistry
States of matter, properties of materials, chemical reactions - Chemistry in the class room doesn't need to be about trawling through text books or trying to memorise the periodic table, practical activities are fun and help motivate pupils to learn and enjoy the subject.

Search Physics
Space & Astronomy, Forces & Magnets, Sound, Light, Electricity - Physics governs our every day lives, so making the connection between mathematical formulas that make your brain hurt, and the physics of the every day is really important to every child's understanding.

Search Biology
Museums, zoos, wildlife centres or simply the local natural environment, no matter where you take your pupils you can be sure that showing them Biology first hand will prove more popular than a text book.
The courses in this section will provide your students with practical experience that will improve their understanding of environmental sciences.
If you are looking at a biology topic for your school trip then an environmental centre is a great place to visit as it offers a wide range of activities where students can immerse themselves in the natural habitat. For Chemistry school trips you can go to various Science museums to learn about the history of chemistry and also the latest chemistry procedures and techniques. With Physics then an observatory is ideal to go to on your school trip as they are very interactive and have some fantastic displays to view.
What can you do to celebrate Science Week and Careers Week?
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