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Altru Drama are a creative, non-profit organisation using drama as a tool to deliver messages, explore topics and develop key skills.

Altru Drama workshops and performances are designed to support the National Curriculum and enhance learning and awareness of PSHE topics. Whether your topic is History, Science, English or PSHE, Altru believe drama is a great way to explore them all!

Altru cover everything from Early Islam to Space, Online Safety to Shakespeare and The Shang Dynasty to Anti-Bullying. They have a wide variety of topics for every class, from Reception all the way up to Year 6.

Altru's specialist drama practitioners are fully trained to deliver workshops for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and have a strong belief in creative education.

A visit from Altru Drama is a memorable experience, guaranteed to leave a lasting impact!

Inspire! Create! Educate!



Take a trip into outer space and learn about the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the other planets.

Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl

A Roald Dahl Day is the perfect way to explore Dahl’s life and work. You can choose from two options, either a Learn and Present for 1 class or an Explore Day for up to 6 classes, depending upon how many pupils you would like us to work with and t



A fun and participatory day of drama exploring Shakespeare or even just one of his many plays!

Ancient Sumer

Ancient Sumer

A fun and creative workshop exploring The Ancient Sumer through drama!

The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire of London

A fun and participatory day of drama exploring The Great Fire of London! Children will learn about the history of The Great Fire of London, exploring the tragic event, how it happened and how we survived it!

Toys from the Past

Toys from the Past

Step into the land of toys with this fun and exciting drama workshop!

Stone Age to Iron Age

Stone Age to Iron Age

Stone Age to Iron Age is, consistently, one of most popular topics – as drama helps bring this complex period of history to life for children. Stone Age to Iron Age in a Day covers all of the key elements of life across the Stone, Bronze and Iro

British Values

British Values

Three British Values Days to Explore The Law, History and Rights and Responsibilities.

Seaside Holidays of the Past

Seaside Holidays of the Past

Step back in time and explore the fascinating history of Seaside Holidays with an immersive drama workshop!



Altru Anti-Bullying workshops encourage children to value difference and diversity, encouraging them to see the special qualities in themselves and others.

Mary Anning

Mary Anning

A fun and participatory day of drama exploring the life and works of Mary Anning!

The Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks

An action-packed day of drama focusing on the Ancient Greeks. Children will learn about Greek myths, Greek Gods and the lives of the ancient Greek people exploring the different City States, the Olympics and more!

The Aztecs

The Aztecs

Transport back in time to the amazing ancient Aztec civilisation and discover the fascinating culture, learn about their rituals and bring their stories to life with a creative in school drama workshop!

Indus Valley

Indus Valley

A fun and participatory day of drama exploring the Indus Valley! Children will learn about the history of the Indus Valley, exploring their civilisation and how this relates to their lives today.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

A fun and exciting drama workshop exploring the life, theories and discoveries of the amazing Charles Darwin!!



A fun and participatory day of drama exploring The Victorians! Children will learn about the history of The Victorians, exploring their way of living and how this relates to their lives today.

Mayan Civilisations

Mayan Civilisations

An exciting drama day, exploring the Mayan Civilisations. Children will learn about Mayan inventions, Mayan games, the Mayan currency and how they bought and sold, the Mayan diet and how this was dictated by farm land and conditions.

The Shang Dynasty

The Shang Dynasty

Bring the Shang Dynasty to life for your pupils through an engaging and participatory drama workshop where pupils explore the rich history of the time through role play, performance and creativity.

The Olympics

The Olympics

Travel back in time and explore the fascinating history of the Olympic Games! Embark on an epic journey through ancient Greece to modern day France with an Altru drama workshop!

The Vikings

The Vikings

An fun and participatory day of drama exploring Viking history. Children will learn about the history of the Vikings, exploring their traditions and way of life and considering how this relates to their lives today.

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians

A fun and participatory day of drama exploring Ancient Egyptians! Children will learn about the history of the Egyptians, exploring their civilisation and how this relates to their lives today.



Romans in a Day is packed full of information, making it the perfect way to begin your topic work and give your pupils a wow starter for the term! Across a full school day children work with a practitioner to learn all about life in Ancient Rome.



A fun and participatory day of drama exploring The Titanic! Children will learn about the history of The Titanic, exploring the tragic event, how it happened and what life was like onboard.

Powerful Plants

Powerful Plants

The year is 2021 and the aliens have come to planet Earth. Their mission: to find out about plants! Our Powerful Plants Play in a Day helps children to explore how important plants are for our world and the different uses plants have.

Early Islamic Civilisations

Early Islamic Civilisations

An exciting drama day, exploring Early Islamic Civilisations. Children will learn about the ancient city of Baghdad, the House of Wisdom and the key buildings, people and customs of the time through creativity that supports historical enquiry.

Featured Articles by Altru

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Midlands Online Safety Performances

To mark Safer Internet Day 2023 @altrudrama will be visiting Midlands schools with their Key Stage 2 online safety play, Tangled Web.

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Ancient Civilisations Through Drama

Whatever your ancient civilisation topic is, we've got it covered! Altru, we bring history to life through the power of drama!

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