ReachOut Educate

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ReachOut Educate is a West Midlands based interactive living history workshop provider specialises in a variety of historical time periods and important figures in British history. Our trained actors, dressed in full costume, will bring history to life in your educational setting.

For our history based workshops, our Mini-Museum and era appropriate replica weapons are a brilliant focus to excite the children and get them interested in history. Every workshop we deliver is filled with hands-on activities, themed games, an interactive history timeline and even a mini-performance! Unlike a conventional museum, we openly encourage the children to pick up, handle and use the artefacts on display so they can fully understand their function in the past.

All other workshops come with a variety of props, costumes and resources.

Although we have a rehearsed structure for all of our workshops, we understand that not every school or educational setting is the same so we don't work on a ''one size fits all'' approach. Our sessions are adaptable to cater for a variety of group sizes and abilities.

Our workshops are available up and down the UK in primary schools, Secondary Schools, SEND settings and other extra curricular environments.

We are proud to have been associate members of the Anti Bullying Alliance since 2017, Ethical Managers for the Independent Theatre Council since 2021 and have held a quality badge with regular assessment issued by the LOtC since 2021.

Tudors & Elizabethans Workshop

Tudors & Elizabethans Workshop

We bring interactive history right to your school via a full range of resources including our mini-museum, replica weapons and games; all hosted by our experienced actors who bring history to life in the classroom.

The Suitcase Storyteller Workshop

The Suitcase Storyteller Workshop

Join our 'Suitcase Storyteller' for a fully engaging and interactive dive into a storybook, using props, music, drama and more. This isn't your standard story reading. Children will step inside the story and become a part of the tale as it unfolds.

West Midlands Primary School Christmas Pantomime Tour 2024

West Midlands Primary School Christmas Pantomime Tour 2024

Presenting our touring in-school pantomime for Christmas 2024: Little Red Riding Hood! This self-contained and school friendly performance is around 45 minutes long and includes a brief ''Introduction to Panto'' workshop before the show!

Kings, Queens & Castles Workshop

Kings, Queens & Castles Workshop

Characters, Stories, Artefacts, Games,Costumes and Coin Making. An engaging workshop discovering the lives of Kings and Queens and where they lived! What castle would you choose?

Viking Workshop

Viking Workshop

An exploration of all things Viking! We bring interactive history right to your school via a full range of resources including a mini-museum, replica weapons and games; all hosted by our experienced actors who bring history to life in the classroom.

Roman Workshop

Roman Workshop

We bring interactive history right to your school via a full range of resources including our mini-museum, replica weapons and games; all hosted by our experienced actors who bring history to life in the classroom

Featured Articles by ReachOut Educate

ReachOut Educate article image
Jack and the Beanstalk: A Touring School Pantomime for Christmas 2023!

ReachOut Educate are proud to present this year's Touring Pantomime - Jack and the Beanstalk! Available for in-school performances December

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