book 'BBC micro:bit (IoT) Workshop' with Chaos Created
Our BBC micro:bit Workshop teaches your class about the micro:bit, a small but powerful Internet of Things computer which is capable of running some amazing applications! The device has sensors (including an accelerometer for detecting motion, a thermometer, buttons, touch sensors and more) and can communicate with other devices, and your pupils will explore these capabilities through creating some fun and capable apps and games.
We bring our own micro:bits (if your school doesn’t yet have any) and introduce your students to MakeCode, the coding language that the micro:bit uses, and teach them the fundamentals of coding before we work on some really fun projects! For older students, we can even use Python and JavaScript with the micro:bit!
This workshop is great for teaching coding fundamentals, and we progress from drag-and-drop coding into using a real programming language. During the workshop, we will build some fun and exciting apps and games that run on the micro:bit exposing the students to its capabilities, teaching them programming skills, and inspiring them to take coding further.
Teacher Checklist
Resource Packs
What activities are available during this educational workshop?
Coding for the BBC micro:bit
Coding of apps (including fitness trackers, weather stations, messaging apps and more)
Coding of games (creating games that can be played on the micro:bit)
Exploration of sensors and data
Coding fundamentals such as loops, variables, conditional programming and more
Which Curriculum Subjects do you cater for?
RoboticsCodingInformation and Communications Technology
Through our micro:bit projects, pupils will not just learn about how programming through projects led by real-world app and games developers, but also learn about computing more generally. They will explore how computers work and process commands, how sensors and data power the applications on the micro:bit and in the wider world of computing, how to use an emulator for testing their code and how to connect devices and transfer files. They will also have the chance to create their own sprites and animations for the micro:bit, create sound effects and music for their projects, and more. Our coding workshops focus on improving digital literacy as a whole.
What size groups do you cater for?
A class-sized group (up to 30), and we have a full-day, deep dive version of this workshop available, along with a half-day version (which allows us to work with two classes in a day). We have versions of this workshop available for Primary and Secondary schools with projects for different ages, experience and abilities.
Do you offer access for visitors with disabilities?
Yes Please let us know more about your group and we will get back to you with more details about the suitability of what we offer.
Do you cater for visitors with Special Educational Needs (SEN)?
We run our workshop with students of all abilities and regularly work with SEN students, specialist schools and groups. Please contact us to discuss this.
Anything else?
What makes our workshops unique is that they are delivered by real-world app and games developers. Our games and apps have been featured on BBC Click. We aim to not just teach your pupils skills, but to inspire them to pursue coding further.
Who are Chaos Created?
Chaos Created is a web design and app and games development agency based in Portishead, Bristol. They have worked with well-known clients such as Tesco, Nokia, Carphone Warehouse, TES and TeenTech and have also produced innovative and acclaimed games and apps such as Timedancer, Zombies Ate My City, and Langeroo. Their Code Created initiative is designed to teach young people how to make apps and games, improve digital literacy, increase diversity in the tech industry and inspire the next generation of innovators.
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Chaos Created
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