Including larger than life, interactive performances, open-ended workshops and more intimate classroom-based sessions, As Creatives' range of History Workshops and Shows offers pupils privileged perspectives on the lives of people in the past – and asks important questions about ways that the past has affected the present. And there are four exciting options awaiting you: The Brilliant Britons, Time Travel Theatre, Time Travel Tourists and Historical Maths.
The Brilliant Britons
Join our quarreling historians, Professor Past and Dr Dunne, as they trace their families’ roots from the dawn of the Stone Age to the end of the Second World War – taking in over ten thousand years of British history in a fast-paced and action-packed hour and a half. This hilarious and highly interactive presentation has the unique feature of covering key features of every age demanded by the National Curriculum, from the birth of civilization to the Roman invasion and from the Viking incursions to the rise of the Saxons – as well as paying brief visits to the bakery at the heart of the Great Fire of London, St Paul's Cathedral in Victorian times and the Home Front in World War II. Not only that, of course, but the experience can be enjoyed by up to 420 pupils in a single day - as well as supporting schools approaches to teaching British values.
History Through Drama
Like most schools, you probably have different year groups looking at different periods - posing challenges to whole-school approaches. Which is where History Through Drama comes along - allowing individual classes from EYFS to Year 6 opportunities to take part in age-appropriate drama activities designed to explore landmark people and moments from the times they're exploring.
Time Travel Tourist - the Apollo Adventurers
It was in July 1969 that Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar landscape and uttered the famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Since then, only another eleven astronauts have walked on the moon - and none since 1972. This unique programme, though, gives your pupils an opportunity to meet and work with one of the people behind Apollo 11 - Margaret Hamilton (who led the team designing the mission's software) or Astronaut Armstrong himself. Your Tourist will be more than happy to meet the school at an assembly - then visit a number of classes during the day in workshops using drama techniques to bring to life the Apollo 11 adventure, and her/his role in its success.
We have lots of other Time Travel Tourists available, too, including; Mrs Pankhurst, General Haig, Siegfried Sassoon and Kitty Wilkinson. So if there's someone that your pupils would like to meet - just ask!
Ruby Slippers’ Tour of British History! - Whole School History Day
A unique way to explore both history and British Values - in just one day! There are two things you should know about Ruby Slippers. First, she has a passion for learning as much as she can about and from history. And second, with just a click of her own slippers (and a little bit of imagination), Ruby can visit any time from the past that she wants! And she can help both one, two and three-form entry schools explore both British history and British Values in the course of a single day!
Historical Maths
These uniquely cross-curricular programmes see children using a range of age-differentiated mathematical skills to solve problems from the past – whilst at the same time learning a wealth of new historical content. Lasting 90 minutes upwards, they can all accommodate up to 30 pupils at a time. You can choose from …
The Viking’s Quest –a mixture of myth and maths from the North!
CSI: Ancient Greece – who lifted Zeus’s Lightning Bolt?
CSI: Saxons – was it really Alfred the Great who burnt the cakes?
The full range of workshops can be found over on our website.
The Viking's Quest - A lively, character-based workshop posing students real life numeracy challenges
Numbers, shapes and co-ordinates were all important to the Vikings – as your pupils will discover when "Hagar the Hunter" turns up in your school. He’s been travelling for centuries – seeking help from anyone he meets. Because it won’t be till he cracks the Riddle of the Runes that he can release his village’s children from the clutches of a mighty dragon. By taking part in a series of interactive challenges, your children will be able to help him – but they’ll need to use all their problem solving skills
Yes - absolutely! all of our workshops are fully accessible for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs. Our approach is to identify the most appropriate workshop (or workshops) for the pupils we'll be working with. Tailor the content and delivery to meet the needs of those pupils (including those with SEMH needs) - and ensure that the workshop (or workshops) are appropriately challenging.