National Museums Liverpool School Trips
Risk Assessments
Titanic Storytelling KS1 - Students will practice listening and responding appropriately to adults and their peers and ask relevant questions to extend their understanding. They will also maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, as well as participating in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates.
Titanic Storytelling KS1 - Students will develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time, and can ask and answer questions, choosing and using parts of stories and other sources to show that they know and understand key features of events. Also relates to significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.
Titanic: Voyage of Discovery KS2 - Statutory: Local history study / Non Statutory: A study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is significant in the locality.
All workshops can be adapted for special educational needs.
National Museums Liverpool is made up of seven museums and art galleries in and around Liverpool, which welcome millions of visitors every year.
From virtual classrooms to hands-on activities, it offers a huge range of workshops and events for schools and groups, all linked to the national curriculum.
Risk Assessments
What makes Liverpool a top destination for school trips. Liverpool Museums tell us about the city's amazing history.
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