Humphs Histories School Workshop
We can visit your school in: East Midlands, West Midlands, London & South East, East of England, South West, North East, North West, Yorkshire, Wales
Risk Assessments
Through out the day the children will be taken on a historical journey by the workshop leader who will be in dramatical character. There will also be times for the children themselves to get involved using drama as a medium.
During the workshop the children will firstly design their own shield pattern and decoration. Then get to paint their own individual shield which will then be used later during the shield battle tactic activity. A follow up lesson can be used by the teacher to finish off the shield design.
The whole day is based around the Anglo-Saxons settlement in Britain after the Romans left and how they impacted on our landscape. There are various activities during the day that keep the children engaged which will enhance their learning. The workshop encourages the children to participate as much as possible.
The topics looked at are;
Fitting into the British Timeline
When and how did they arrive in Britannia.
What language did they speak
What skills did the bring with them
What items did they bring with them
What food did they eat, grow and bring here
What were the houses like
Who were their Gods
Anglo-Saxon treasures
The Anglo-Saxon Long Ships
What legacy did they leave
The Anglo-Saxon warrior and his equipment
Battle tactics
The whole day is based around the Vikings invasion and raiding of Britain during the Anglo-Saxon period and what impact they had on our landscape. There are various activities during the day that keep the children engaged which will enhance their learning. The workshop encourages the children to participate as much as possible.
The topics looked at are;
Fitting into the British Timeline
When and how did they arrive in Britannia.
What language did they speak
What skills did the bring with them
What items did they bring with them
What food did they eat, grow and bring here
What were the houses like
Who were their Gods
Viking treasures
Viking Long Ships
What legacy did they leave
The Viking warrior and his equipment
Battle tactics
During the workshop on The Anglo-Saxon and/or The Vikings we discuss where they came from, where they settled, how they interacted with the indigenes population and the impact that had. And what natural resources were important to them.
Where ever possible we always try to cater for all children, we trust the school to supervise where they think supervision is required.
I believe that learning should be fun and strive to combine these two factors within the workshop session together with my main passions, love of history and theatre. There is nothing more rewarding than the passing of knowledge on to young people who are really enjoying themselves and learning at the same time.
I always aim to deliver a high quality of education.
In addition to my History degree I have been involved in the amateur theatre world all of my life, both on and off stage. I currently direct local musical and pantomime societies and incorporate this skill within ‘Humph’s Histories’ by ensuring plenty of interaction with the young people.
"“Humph's Histories is a must for any school. You get bespoke curriculum planning- unique to your school and setting. The day was interactive, bringing History to life. The children loved learning about life in a different historical time and have retained knowledge to apply to their follow up work. I highly recommend Humph's Histories to any school if you want to engage pupils in History. High quality education at a very reasonable price! We can't wait for our next workshop!” Headteacher"
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