TA Education School Workshop
We can visit your school in: East Midlands, West Midlands, London & South East, East of England, South West, North East, North West, Yorkshire, Wales Risk Assessments
Resource Packs
Students will explore the causes of Global warming, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, as well as the effects of climate change, such as the Arctic ice melting, drought, forest fires and extreme weather.
They will also look at ways to tackle the threats of global warming by learning about sustainable energy.
Yes We certainly can. Please use the form below to let us know your group's specific SEN requirements and we will get back to you with more information on how we can tailor our learning experience for your children.
Tablet Academy Enrichment Days are a range of learner focused practical workshops designed to broaden and enrich the curriculum, reward students, challenge the gifted and talented, or engage difficult groups.
Delivered by qualified educators, workshops can be delivered in your classroom, at a local museum or public location. All technology and equipment is included in the price.
Our team can work with you to plan your enrichment day aligning curriculum outcomes (if required), planning a timetable to allow multiple classes to take part and identifying the theme, experience or content delivered.
Risk Assessments
Resource Packs
Teachers interested in this TA Education workshop also viewed the Climate change learning experiences below.
We are bursting with ideas on places that deliver first class teaching both outside the classroom and as in-school workshops. Feel free to use our tailor-made trip form and we can help you find the perfect experience for your class!